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Future lies with standardization


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It is always interesting why one company grows in the most difficult conditions, and the other company sinks, even when it seems that its business is quite prosperous. What are the key factors that allow the company to become successful in the Russian energy market? What does the Russian energy sector miss for the successful and sustainable development? All these issues have been discussed with Alexey Potapov Electronmash Commercial Director in the interview.

Mr. Potapov, your company was founded not so long ago. How difficult was it to become partners with the major players in this industry in the North West? -

In fact, the history of our company dates back to 1999. However, at the very beginning of our activity we strictly adhered to certain principles in our work. First of all, our products had to be of the highest quality and had to comply in full with the terms of service at domestic enterprises. We did not forget about an individual approach to each of our customers, coupled with the optimal value of our products all these things offered broad opportunities for implementation of customer projects. Thanks to these factors, we were quickly noticed, and we started to work with such large companies as, for example, Gazprom, Lukoil, Lenenergo.

– And apparently, the cooperation has proved to be quite successful. As far as we know, your company has even received credentials from Lenenergo.

– That's right. As I said, we had worked together for a long time. Therefore it is not surprising that when by time of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, Lenenergo needed to reconstruct urgently the two substations that fed the exhibition complex, they approached us. It has to be said that the work was quite difficult, especially because of tight deadlines, but our experts managed, and it is confirmed by the appreciation received by us from Lenenergo.

Does your company plan to develop partnerships with other large companies of the North-West? –

I must say that such relationship already exists, for example, we have talked about the gratitude from Lenenergo, but I could also tell you about the Certificate of Merit from Siemens, which has been awarded to us for the increased volume of transactions with them. However, we are moving forward. It has to be said that we have recently opened a new industrial complex – 6 000 square meters of manufacturing space and 2 000 square meters of administrative space. Of course, this will allow us to be more active on the North-West, as well as outside it.

Given your experience, tell me what the Russian energy industry misses for normal development?

- In my opinion, the domestic energy sector lacks a systemic approach. You know, when I came to the plant after graduation the institute, we had a guide “Glavelektromontazh”, the so-called “GEMovsky” guide that described all circuits that can be used. And the plant operated in compliance with this guide to produce the standard equipment. As a result, due to the type design practice, construction of a substation took about forty-five days, as everybody worked based on the common standard.

And how much time does this process take now?

- Today in Russia there are a huge number of design institutions, and almost every institution has its own standards and requirements for execution of the technical documentation. Now because of the variety of diagrams, because of the different components a substation manufacture term lasts from eighty to one hundred and twenty days.

After all, you now need to produce a design, to get it approved, to provide it to the producers. And then they will find a lot of mistakes in the design and it will have to be re-done. When there are design standards, everything is much simpler.

- And how can this problem be solved?

– This problem can be solved in different ways. Our company also has taken the challenge, and we are developing a special program CadEL, which will make it possible to produce a technical specification in a common standard. Our program allows the user to prepare a design by specifying the basic parameters of the equipment, and as a result he gets a ready engineering decision. It can be based on the standard diagrams, and if desired, a developer can make his own adjustments or make sets of equipment based only on his requirements.

The results of the application - the basic documents needed for the design are: automatically generated single-line diagrams, outline drawings and the completed questionnaire. In addition, CadEL estimates the budgetary cost of the order. Implementation of the program can help both the development organizations and the customers and original equipment manufacturers.

- The Power Engineers' Day will be soon celebrated in Russia. What will you wish your colleagues?

– Summing up, I would like to congratulate the Russian power engineers with the success of 2011. And I wish even more success in the next year. I also wish my colleagues new and interesting projects, health and good luck. -

Energy industry and production sector of Russia, № 23-24 (187-188) 2011

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